Saturday, April 10, 2010

Toppii (Kaitenzushi)

As I haven't had sushi in a while, my friends and I decided to have sushi at a relatively expensive Kaitenzushi bar. I showed a similar one in this posting, and "Kaitenzushi" is where sushi dishes rotate on the conveyor. I said before that since we were in recession, people didn't like to have one sushi dish that cost more than a dollar, but it was reported this month people were starting to get sick of being stingy. And so were we.

The Kaitenzushi bar was in this mall. This is the biggest mall in my prefecture, and it's about a half an hour drive from where I live.

This sushi bar was displaying fresh scallops and what not in the aisle. If they show fresh ingredients, passers-by would pay attention to them. A Fresh ingredient of sushi, or a raw thing atop each sushi is called "Neta". 

I usually have tuna sushi for starters. It was a bit controversial to catch too many tunas from the sea, and I was thinking I would have to do without this for a while. This cost about 2 us dollars. I had to take into account during writing this blog that yen was getting weaker recently. 

At a less expensive Kaitenzushi bar, a squid sushi tends to be dry and chewy, but this was really soft and sweet. Do you like wasabi to be in it?

This is arch shell. I usually don't like to have this, but at a relatively expensive sushi bar like this, every "Neta" tastes so good.

If you want to know whether a Kiatenzuhi bar is good, all you have to do is try its sea urchin sushi.

This is a kind of eel that is called "Anago". The brown lines you see are sauce made exclusively for the Anago sushi. The sauce was as sweet as it was supposed to be. 

The least expensive sushi cost about 1.3 us dollars, so you don't have to be worried about money so much when you feel like visiting this sushi bar. Going to a really good sushi bar like this so often is impossible for ordinary people, but a bit good sushi bar like this might be within your budget. The name of this restaurant is "Toppii", and it is headquartered in Hokkaido, where sushi is one of its specialties.