There are a lot of good restaurants in this "aiaimall".
I went to the center of my city in the night and took some pics. It is where the terminal station of Tsukuba Express is, and people living near the central part of my city use the station to commute to Tokyo. My city started to be developed around in '85, when Expo '85 took place in a place a bit far from this center (to see what Expo '85 is, look at one of my older postings).
Most of the stores here are open until 8pm, and the restaurants till 10pm. So people I saw while taking these pics might have been on their way to or from the restaurants. I usually don't go out at night, but when I do, I have a coffee at a Starbucks or rent a dvd to watch on the night.
But it is reported in a newspaper that these days people refrain from dining or going out to cut back on their expenses. Having said that, there are some good restaurants like an all-you-can-eat one that serves really good pizza and it never stops having many customers even when our economy is this stagnant.